

This website, Horses Excel, found at https://horseexcel.com/, aims to provide information and resources related to horse riding, horse care, and stable management.

About the Website

Horses Excel focuses on various equestrian disciplines such as dressage, eventing, show jumping, polo, horse racing, and general equestrian topics. Our goal is to help horse enthusiasts enhance their knowledge and expertise in these areas.

Reviews and Recommendations

The website includes reviews and recommendations for horse tack and equipment. These reviews are based on our expert opinions and research to assist readers in making informed decisions about the best gear for their horses.

Transparency and Ethical Standards

It is important to note that Horses Excel may receive compensation, through affiliate links or sponsorships, for referring visitors to certain products or services. However, this does not influence the fairness, accuracy, or objectivity of our reviews and recommendations. We prioritize providing genuine and unbiased information to our audience.


The content published on Horses Excel is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, readers should consult with professionals or specialists in the respective fields for specific advice related to horse riding, horse care, and stable management.

By using the Horses Excel website, you acknowledge and agree to the above disclosures.